Open Access Article
Journal of Electrical Engineering and Automation. 2023; 2: (5) ; 1-5 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jeea.20230026.
Research and application of intelligent calibration for new insulating gas density relays
叶正帆1 *,
1 国网上海市区供电公司 上海
2 厦门加华电力科技有限公司 福建厦门
叶正帆,单位: 国网上海市区供电公司 上海;
发布时间: 2023-12-15 总浏览量: 527
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关键词: 气体密度继电器;气体检测;气体泄漏检测
SF6 gas is a chemically stable substance known for its excellent arc-extinguishing performance and insulating properties. It is currently widely used in high-voltage electrical equipment such as Gas-Insulated Switchgear (GIS) and Gas-Insulated Lines (GIL) chambers, playing a crucial role in enhancing power transmission capacity and the miniaturization of electronic devices. However, SF6 gas has its limitations and is classified as a controlled greenhouse gas. Consequently, there is a growing focus within the high-voltage electrical equipment manufacturing industry on new environmentally friendly insulating gases that can effectively replace SF6. The adoption of these new insulating gases, particularly in high-voltage electrical equipment, is on the rise. To ensure the reliable operation of density relays, research and the application of intelligent calibration for density relay devices using novel insulating gases are of significant importance.
Key words: Gas density relay; Gas detection; Gas leak detection
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